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Established during the 2017-18 academic year, Out East Youth Support Services (OEYSS) is a mentoring and empowerment program run through the Greater Duval Neighborhood Association, benefiting local youth grades 5-12. Throughout the year OEYSS strives to provide opportunities and experiences for the youth of Greater Duval by assisting students & parents with connecting to Alachua County’s internet portal to access information for educational success & assisting students with areas needing assistance to excel. Our services are focused on: mentoring, tutoring, college/career exploration, recreation and cultural awareness as well as providing the necessary leadership skills required to fully encompass these services. We believe that in order for youth to grow and thrive as young adults, they need to develop self-discipline, confidence, and most importantly a passion to succeed. Out East Youth Support Services has devoted our time and work to be both the empowerment and the accountability needed to help young leaders grow into successful adults. We will  continue have virtually interactions with our Parents and Youth on a regular basis to try to assure our assistance continue being relevant when requested.


Our focus is on the youth who reside within the Greater Duval Neighborhood and Beyond. Priority enrollment will be given to those within the Greater Duval Area of Northeast Gainesville.

Greater Duval Boundaries 

North boundary: NE 13th Ave

South Boundary: E University Ave

East Boundary: NE 26th Terrace (including all the Lake Road Apartments on SE University Ave) 

West Boundary: Waldo Road


Andrew Miles
Founder & Lead Coordinator

Growing up in Gainesville, Andrew has  spent more than 30 years helping today's youth grow and succeed through volunteering for local programs. In 2014 he assisted GDNA in starting the Out East Youth Tutoring Support Services program which has had an exceptional impact on many children in the community.

Michael Underwood 
Technology Consultant 
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Michael was born and raised in Lake City. He moved to Gainesville to settle down with his family. They have been living in Duval for just ten plus years now. Michael joined the GDNA during its second year and has been helping with the evening tutoring since the program began. He now has three daughters who are old enough to attend the evening tutoring and have joined the program.

Carla Miles
Assistant coordinator
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Carla's dedication to Greater Duval comes from her own experiences growing up here. She understands the multitude  of opportunities available and has made it her life goal to give everyone the chance to succeed. Carla is an employee of Habitat for Humanity, a founder of the GDNA and overall a mentor and role model in the Gainesville community.


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